A photo of 4 fingers being scanned on the RX1000

Creating advanced
biometric technology

Secure. Reliable. Innovative.

The next dimension in fingerprinting

World’s first high-resolution 3D livescan device with 2D forensic capture

The Terrain series is the first in a new class of FBI-certified Appendix F livescan devices. It captures both traditional FBI-certified 2D images, as well as high-resolution 3D images.

A composite photo of a Terrain and TerrainX device on a 3D render of a fingerprint


Capture forensic-quality fingerprints—from the office to the front line.

These truly portable FBI-certified fingerprint devices allow you to take auto-capture livescan devices anywhere you go.




Card scanners


Create and submit fingerprint records to check personal identity and verify criminal histories. Applicant and law enforcement application use cases such as ATF 41F, SWFT, FBI channeling, arrest, court, and jail processing and many others.

inVize ID

inVize Connect

inVize Enterprise

Device SDK


The frontier of fingerprinting is 3D

Fingers are three dimensional. Take advantage of the additional data available in the third dimension with 3D fingerprinting. We offer our customers this next-generation technology to fortify personal security, verify and protect identity, and secure access.