Packaged solutions
i3 packages hardware, software, and services into solutions applicable to use cases that frequently occur in larger cross-sections of government and industry.

Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission (SWFT)
All Department of Defense components and companies participating in the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) are required to use electronic fingerprinting as a part of the background clearance process. SWFT supports submission of both electronically captured fingerprints and fingerprint cards that have been converted to electronic files using certified card scanning. Best practices for SWFT-compliant solutions expedite the clearance process and provide end-to-end accountability of all Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
i3 has a collection of solutions that comprehensively address the needs of any SWFT customer. These solutions include:
- Livescan system(s) using inVize ID and an i3 livescan.
- Fingerprint card scanning system for FD-258 conversion.
- FPCheck service with hosted fingerprinting scanner.
- FPCheck service for walk-in fingerprinting.
- FPCheck service with fingerprint card printing.
- Fingerprint submission service.
Our unique Lifetime Guarantee is available with SWFT systems. Contact us for additional information at (540) 953-1365.
SWFT information flyer (0.5 MB)

ATF 41-F background checks
Effective on December 21, 2021, ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) e-Forms allows electronic fingerprint record submission with digital photos for 41-F background checks. These background checks for responsible persons acquiring a Class 3 controlled item were originally done through inked fingerprint cards and passport photos.
41-F legislation requires completion of a Form 4 (or Form 1 if manufacturing a new National Firearms Act / NFA weapon) to receive a tax stamp. In addition, all responsible persons submit fingerprints, photo ID, and responsible person questionnaires (Form 23) with their application.
The immediate benefit of electronic submission includes higher quality fingerprint records, which reduces the potential for rejections and allows for expedited application processing.
i3 is pleased to offer fully compliant fingerprinting systems for the creation of ATF e-Forms fingerprint records.
Our unique Lifetime Guarantee is available with ATF 41-F systems. Contact us for additional information at (540) 953-1365.

Law enforcement
i3’s livescan systems are optimized for fast, accurate image capture. By providing quality metrics and sequence checking, the user interface allows for intuitive and efficient operation.
Our solutions use our livescans in conjunction with inVize ID. Demographic import features may be used from Records Management systems. Palm print capture is available in some states, and additional peripherals can include barcode reading, signature capture, photo capture, and fingerprint card printing.

Fingerprint card conversion
The fingerprinting industry is moving increasingly away from accepting printed fingerprint cards for background checks, yet many agencies still rely on FD-258 fingerprint cards for various reasons. We can assist you with implementing an i3 card scanning system to convert your own cards into electronic format.
Depending on your situation, i3 has two options for fingerprint card conversion:
- Implement an i3 card scanning system to convert your cards into electronic format, or
- Use FPCheck for demographic data entry, and provide the hard copy fingerprint cards to i3 for conversion. Upon conversion, i3 will deliver the electronic fingerprint files to you securely.

Applicant fingerprint background checks
i3’s turnkey livescan solutions apply to every organization that needs to perform applicant fingerprint background checks. Schools, churches, health care providers, daycare providers, housing authorities, financial institutes, insurance providers, airlines, and transportation agencies use inVize ID and our livescan/cardscan systems.
These i3 background check solutions incorporate the following three primary components, which are commonly complemented by a driver’s license reader.
- A livescan device and/or a fingerprint card scanner.
- Laptop or desktop computer.
- inVize ID software application.

Judiciary processing
i3 developed functionality in inVize ID to enable the criminal justice system to coordinate the collection of criminal charges and their dispositions. This coordinated data is provided to the state via EBTS files for record keeping. The system also allows an individual’s identity to be checked again via a fingerprint verification process to ensure all charges and dispositions are associated with the correct person.

Mobile background checks
Whether you’re a mobile notary, private investigator, or a security officer servicing a partner company, you can take operations mobile. Once you collect the background checks in the field, they can be submitted electronically or printed to cards when you connect to the proper services.
To go mobile, five items are necessary:
- An i3 livescan device.
- inVize ID basic edition software.
- Laptop computer with Windows operating system.
- Support for the required transaction type(s).
- A travel case.